Hello everyone,
Your long awaited Anewtale Kid’s page is up, live! Here we attempt to tackle the age old problem of creating and retaining childhood enthusiasm for reading, writing, the Arts and learning in general. Reading helps open and develop our children’s imaginations. Writing and creating gives kids the outlet where they can explore their dreams. Literacy opens new worlds and doors for everyone.
Children get better at reading the more they read. Finding Motivation for children to want to learn is hard in a modern society with a lot of distractions. Interesting, thought invoking tales will keep their imagination engaged and active and hopefully yearning for more. The trick is in keeping their reading fun, challenging and thought invoking and making the reading time itself enjoyable. Always praise even the tiniest accomplishments they make.
We added some challenging word games, along with word of the day, joke of the day, today’s birthday, today in history and more. The result is in for the under ten year old story/poem contest. Check out the winning poem, Bringer of a Language by Ryan L of Miami Florida. I’m sure Ryan would like to hear your comments in our blog. Stay tuned for the next kids writing contest.
There’s no doubt, Digital technology is changing the way our children learn, develop, socialize, play and interact with society. To compete for a kid’s short attention span is becoming tougher and tougher every day. But, should learning be camouflaged behind something fun or entertaining like a new video game in order to deceive youngsters into thinking they’re playing while we hope they learn something too? Absolutely!
As always, we welcome your ideas to make anewtale.com better. Who’s your favorite new fiction writer or lyricist? Blog us about anything fictional. Here’s your chance to vent! Recommend a new fiction book and start a discussion about it or the author. Thanks - Editor